Alex Dudgeon

Reserch Fellow at the University of Exeter

Contact Me

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About Me

I am a Research Fellow in the BioSpec Group with Prof Nick Stone at The University of Exeter. My current work is using spectroscopic techniques to diagmose diseases including lymphoma, breast and oesophageal cancers. We hace also started researching nuromuscular disorders.

Previous Research

During my PhD at Durham University, (where I also graduated with a BSc (Hons) and MSc in Chemistry), in Professor Bain's group, funded by Unilever and The EPSRC through CASE, I designed and built a total-internal reflection Raman spectrometer. Using the spectrometer, I investigated the adsorption of surfactants to the liquid-solid interface. The research focused on the kinetics of adsorption, obtaining isotherms and forming mono/bi-layers of various ionic and nonionic surfactants on surfaces including silica, polyester and zeolite. A major part of the project was the design and construction of the spectrometer, during which I developed the skills needed to design and manipulate optics to obtain good signal to noise levels.

Additionally in Professor Bain's group, my research MSc investigated the processes by which water and surfactant solutions penetrate macroscopic, horizontal, hydrophilic glass capillaries. I also investigated capillaries made hydrophobic by silanisation. To record the penetration rate, the meniscus, illuminated by collimated laser light, was tracked using a high-speed camera. Theoretical models (The Lucas-Washburn model, a "Young" model and an overflowing-cylinder model) were compared with our experimental data and the models were shown to be unable to account for the observed penetration rates. Instead, we considered the additional dissipation in the wedge of liquid near the three-phase contact line.


My other interests include badminton, tennis, cycling, squash, technical stagecraft, singing, sailing, skiing, and computer and website programming.

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