My CV - Dr Alex Dudgeon

Research Ambitions

My ambitions include development of spectroscopic techniques, particularly Raman, for use in applications including biology and chemistry, and advance techniques combining imaging and spectroscopy. The biological uses include the spectroscopic diagnosis, probing of molecular information of cells, their structure and contents. I am also interested in interface chemistry, surfactants and other molecules adsorbing to surfaces; combining different techniques to observe these species, both kinetically and at equilibrium.

Research Interests

Working at the University of Exeter with Prof Nick Stone, Dr John Day at the University of Bristol, Dr Catherine Kendall at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Dr James Alix at the University of Sheffield, I have focused on developing Raman probes for in vivo diagnosis of cancers including those of oesophageal, thyroid, breast and lymphomas. I am involved with an OCT project to advance the diagnosis of glaucoma. I have a background in studying kinetics and using multivariate analysis techniques. I have always been fascinated with optics, lasers and spectroscopy and computing and find fascination using them as tools to expand our scientific knowledge.

Research Fellow - Optical-EMG Project

As part of a MRC-funded project lead by the University of Sheffield, I am a Reseacher Co-I looking to design a smart Raman needle probe combined with EMG (electromyography), for the first in-human trials to investigate the diagnosis of neromuscular disease using Raman spectroscopy.

Research Fellow - DOLPHIN-VIVO Project

As part of a NIHR-funded project, I am a Co-I looking to take our smart Raman needle probe for the first in-human trials to investigate the diagnosis of lymphomas using Raman spectroscopy.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - RaPIDE (Raman Probe for In-vivo Diagnostics (during oesophageal) Endoscopy)

I am part of a team working to develop an endoscopic probe to diagnose oesophageal cancer using Raman spectroscopy.

Project website:

Research Fellow - A subcutaneous Raman needle probe for real time molecular spectroscopy of lymphoid tissues

I continued development and testing of a subcutaneous Raman needle probe. I redesigned and built the probes to be more compact and ergonomic, with improved ambient light rejection. I improved the design to develop a prototype which could be used by clinicians. I visited clinics and surgery to witness how the device would be used. This involved the construction of optical fibre assemblies and extensive use of CAD (Autodesk Inventor, SOLIDWORKS and CREO), as well as 3D printing.

PhD Thesis - Surfactant adsorption to liquid-solid interfaces

During my PhD in Professor Bain's group, funded by Unilever and The EPSRC through CASE, I designed and built a total-internal reflection Raman spectrometer. Using the spectrometer, I investigated the adsorption of surfactants to the liquid-solid interface at the Department of Chemistry, Durham University. The research focused on the kinetics of adsorption, obtaining isotherms and forming mono/bi-layers of various ionic and nonionic surfactants on surfaces including silica, polyester and zeolite. A major part of the project was the design and construction of the spectrometer, during which I developed the skills needed to design and manipulate optics to obtain good signal to noise levels.

MSc Thesis - Penetration of Surfactant Solutions into Capillaries

Additionally in Professor Bain's group, I investigated the processes by which water and surfactant solutions penetrate macroscopic, horizontal, hydrophilic glass capillaries. I also investigated capillaries made hydrophobic by silanisation. To record the penetration rate, the meniscus, illuminated by collimated laser light, was tracked using a high-speed camera. Theoretical models (The Lucas-Washburn model, a "Young" model and an overflowing-cylinder model) were compared with our experimental data and the models were shown to be unable to account for the observed penetration rates. Instead, we considered the additional dissipation in the wedge of liquid near the three-phase contact line.


  • 2017 | Postgraduate Degree

    University of Durham, Chemistry PhD Dunelm

  • 2011 | Postgraduate Degree

    University of Durham, Chemistry MSc Dunelm

  • 2010 | Undergraduate Degree

    University of Durham, Chemistry BSc (Hons.) Dunelm 2:II

  • 2005 | A Levels

    Glyn Technology School, Ewell, Surrey

    Chemistry, Human Biology, Physics, Mathematics (Pure)

Summary of Key Research Experience

  • Designed, constructed and commissioned a Total-internal Reflection Raman Spectrometer

  • Experience using: Lasers, IR/UV-vis spectroscopy, AFM, NMR, SEM, ellipsometry, neutron reflectometry, mass spectrometry, physical vapour deposition, plasma cleaning, Rutherford back scattering, optical imaging, microscopy, ellipsometry, Langmuir troughs, drop shape analysis

  • Experience coding in MATLAB, Python, LabVIEW, C, PHP, VBScript on Windows and Linux to build particle tracking, edge finding, data acquisition, factor analysis and imaging processing programs

  • Experience designing and constructing electrical circuits, computer I/O interfaces

Funding Secured

  • 2023-2027 MRC DPFS - Optical-EMG £1,223,651 (Reseacher Co-I)

  • 2019-2025 NIHR i4i PDA - DOLPHIN-VIVO (Diagnosis Of LymPHoma IN VIVO) £971,826 (Co-I)

  • 2018-2019 Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity FOCUS - RAFTER (RAman For Thyroid cancER) £11079 (PI)

  • 2017-2018 University of Exeter Proof of Concept Funding - Raman needle probe for in vivo identification of breast cancer £51,855 (Co-I)


L. M. Fullwood, I. E. Iping Petterson, A. P. Dudgeon, G. R. Lloyd, C. Kendall, C. Hall, J. C. C. Day and N. Stone, “Evaluation of a multi-fibre needle Raman probe for tissue analysis”, Proc. SPIE, 9704, (2016), 97040G. (Link)

A. P. Dudgeon, "Surfactant adsorption by total internal reflection Raman spectroscopy", IRDG 12th Martin & Willis Prize Meeting, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, (2013)

D. A. Woods, A. P. Dudgeon and C. D. Bain, "Total internal reflection Raman spectroscopy of organic films at solid-water interfaces" 245th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society , 245, (2013)

A. P. Dudgeon, J. Harris, P. Starck, and C. D. Bain, "Surfactant adsorption by total internal reflection Raman spectroscopy", Faraday Discussion 160: Ion Specific Hofmeister Effects , Queens College, Oxford, (2012)

A. P. Dudgeon, J. Harris, P. Starck, and C. D. Bain, "Surfactant adsorption by total internal reflection Raman spectroscopy", ICORS 23rd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, IISC, Bangalore, India (2012)

A. P. Dudgeon, "Penetration of Surfactant Solutions into Capillaries", MSc Thesis, University of Durham, (2011) (Link)

Conferences Attended

  • 2019 | World Spectroscopy Congress 2019 | Stockholm, Sweeden

  • 2018 | West Midlands Surgical Society 2018 | Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK

  • 2018 | SPEC2018 | University of Strathclide, UK

  • 2017 | CLIRCON17 | University of Manchester, UK

  • 2016 | SPEC2016 | Montréal, Canada

  • 2014 | IRDG 207 "From cancer diagnosis to drug release: vibrational spectroscopy in biomedical science" | AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, UK

  • 2010 | IRDG 192, | Manchester University, UK

  • 2009 | SCI McBain Medal Award Lecture | SCI Headquarters, London, UK

Teaching Experience

2011-2013 | Supervision of our group's fourth year master's students

2011-2014 | Ten hours per year Hückel Theory workshop demonstrating and marking of scripts

2010-2014 | Up to six hours per week undergraduate physical lab demonstrating to years 1 and 2

2011-2014 | College Mentor at Van Mildert College, Durham University

I have also volunteered with Durham's outreach program helping at: Big Bang North East (2011-2012), Durham City's Celebrate Science Festival (2010-2011), and ran the chemistry program for Durham Schools' Science Festival (2011).

Work Experience

  • 1/11/2017 - Present | Post-Doctoral Reserach Fellow
  • Biophotonics Research Unit | Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT, Gloucester, GL1 3NN

    Working under Dr Catherine Kendall and Prof Hugh Barr, I worked on the project to take the Raman oesophageal device for the first in-human trials, and worked on an EU project to advance glaucoma diagnosis.

  • 24/11/2015 - 30/6/2018 | Reserach Fellow
  • Department of Physics | University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4QL

    Working under Professor Nick Stone in the Biomedical Spectroscopy Team, part of the Biophysics Group. I worked on the design and manufacture of, and ex vivo lymph node study using the Raman needle probe. I then developed the device to work on breast cancer. I also worked on the regulatory approval for an in vivo study using a Raman oesophageal probe.

  • 1/6/2014 - 31/3/2015 | Lab Manager
  • Chemistry Department | University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE

    Responsible for ensuring supplies remain stocked, health and safety procedures were adhered to, cleaning rotas, and hazardous waste disposed of correctly. Required an overall understanding of all equipment in the lab, its services (water, electricity, HVAC etc.), the ability to diagnose problems, organisation of repairs/maintenance and liaising with contractors. I also designed and introduced new electronic procedures and on-line systems to improve efficiency and collaboration, and ran our research group's website.

  • 23/4/2014 - 12/11/2014 | Freelance Technician
  • Gala Theatre | Millennium Place, Durham DH1 1WA

  • 30/6/2004 - 30/1/2009 | Responsible Person, Sales Assistant and Duty Manager
  • Woolworths Epsom | 46 High Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8AL

    Training and Development

    Attended courses on: Statistical Design of Experiments, Laser Safety, Biological Safety, Working with Human Tissue, Cryogen Safety, Gas Cylinder Safety, Laser Optics, Imaging and Sensing, Training to Teach and Demonstrate, Introduction to MATLAB, Introduction to LaTeX, Thesis Writing in Science and Engineering, Giving Presentations: Planning and Preparing, Speed Reading, Critical Appraisal of the Scientific Literature


Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Additional Skills / Achievements

  • Assisted a colleague with experiments on FIGARO (neutron reflectometer) at the ILL in Grenoble, France
  • Excellent practical technical skills including optical alignment, lasers and electronics
  • Skilled at learning new concepts quickly, working well under pressure and communicating ideas clearly and effectively
  • Full UK Driving Licence with no endorsements
  • Excellent Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Outlook and PowerPoint) with good touch typing skills
  • Programming in PHP, JavaScript, MATLAB, LabVIEW, Python and Visual Basic
  • Excellent knowledge of Windows and good knowledge of Linux/Mac
  • Excellent leadership, people and organisational skills

Other Positions of Responsibility

  • Diversity Network Communications Officer - I helped establish and manage the Hospitals Trust's Diversity Network, working to eliminate discrimination, and promote equality and inclusion.
  • Postgraduate Research Science Faculty Education Committee Representative 2013-14 - I represented all PGR science students and their reps at faculty level
  • Collingwood College MCR Treasurer 2010-11, President 2011-12, Vice President 2012-13 - organised trips, events, meetings, budgets
  • Technical Manager for my College 2006-8 and committee member 2005-15 - Scheduled, designed and managed all backstage and technical provisions for drama performances, balls, band nights, concerts, festivals and other events
  • Freshers' representative/committee member 2006-2014 - planned designed and ran induction events for new students. I was MCR senior freshers' rep 2012-2014. I was responsible for teams of freshers' reps to ensure all new students had a safe and enjoyable welcome. I also had welfare responsibilities.
  • Durham University Chemical Society President, postgraduate ball committee co-chair and treasurer - organised quizzes, entertainment. As society president, I planned and chaired a year-long lecture series, inviting academics from around the country
  • College Badminton Captain, Durham University Sailing Club Club-Sailing Secretary - I planned and ran sailing trips for all abilities

Other Interests: Badminton, squash, singing, sailing, skiing, computer programming and website building


Referees are available on request.

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